Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Remodeling Progress

The remodeling is at the halfway mark more or less.  I'm leaving for SF today to pack up my things and move.  So much to do in the next few weeks.  Stressful.

I can't believe it will be finished when I return.  Below are pictures from the remodel.  We found hinged panels and a trapdoor behind my front staircase.  We think there may have been a speakeasy in the house during prohibition.  The hinges, etc are all very old.  Gotta do some research into the history of the house.

Door to back staircase.

Back staircase.

Demolition underway.
Insulation seepage.

More seepage.

Insulation company trucks.

Insulating the attic.

Hinged panels behind front staircase.

More hinged panels.

Hidden trap door.

Attic windows.

Old kitchen.

Choosing wall sconces at Typhoon Lighting.

Granite, tile, cabinet door, flooring.

Final choices for tile, cabinet door, flooring.


Staircase removed freeing up the wall for the refrigerator and cabinetry.

Back wall of kitchen.

New basement staircase under construction.

Antique wall sconce installed.
Living room/office/kitchen during remodel.